We announce the 2014 Winter School, held jointly by the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, and Carnegie Mellon University under the auspices of the CMU Internship Program in Technology-Supported Education (IPTSE). The CMU IPTSE winter schools draw on broad areas such as machine learning, data mining, human-computer interaction, speech and language technologies, and audio, image, and multimedia analysis. The objective of the IPTSE is to provide valuable research training opportunities for students and young researchers through a partnership between one of India's premiere technical institutes and CMU, one of the top ranking schools of computer science in the world, with the goal of expanding the pool of talented young researchers in India. This year's edition will be conducted in collaboration with the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal.
The internship program will be composed of two stages. In the first stage, students will apply to participate in a two week winter school from December 10-24, 2014 at NITK in Surathkal. During these two weeks, participants will conduct original research in one of three theme areas. In addition, they will attend lectures that will teach them about research and research methodology, tools and techniques, and insights about theory and practice.
Students will participate in team projects, which will be presented in demo sessions at the end of the winter school. Students who successfully complete the winter school will be invited to apply for internships at Carnegie Mellon University. Successful applicants for stage two will be matched with internship advisors for a summer internship at Carnegie Mellon University's main campus in Pittsburgh, PA, for summer 2015. Some financial support for the summer internship may be available.
Location and Dates
The winter school will be held at the National Institute of Technology Karnataka, Surathkal, Mangalore, India.
The school will begin on Wednesday, the 10th of December, 2014, and end on Wednesday, the 24th of December 2014.
Application Procedure
Interested applicants are requested to select a primary and a secondary track (Multimedia processing, Neural networks for data analysis, Computational methods in civic problems). Students should turn in an application through the link at the bottom of this page, and email two letters of recommendation to cmu.mlsp@gmail.com no later than October 15, 2014. Acceptance notifications will be emailed to participants by November 1, 2014. Students are required to pay for transportation and living expenses during the winter school. Suitable accommodation will be provided in NITK campus for the participants. Estimated total cost is Rs 5000 per participant inclusive of accommodation & food. The total number of participants in the workshop will be limited to about 40.We received over 700 submissions, including 649 valid applications, from 126 institutions. A total of 44 candidates from 30 institutions were selected.